US Cuba Relations

I’m surprised that Cubans don’t hold more animosity towards the United State of America after learning about the Platt Amendment. That law pretty much embodies the unfair idea that the United States is superior to all other countries (which it isn’t). Although the people in the United State thought that was what’s best for Cuba, they probably didn’t consult any Cubans on it. Although Castro ended up being debatably a poor leader, his cause was noble and it makes sense how he rose to power.

I really enjoy learning about Cuba by looking at why Castro revolted because it contradicts a lot of what I was brought up to believe. Growing up I never learned much about Cuba, but what I did learn in school portrayed the country in a negatively light. All I was taught is that Cuba is socialist and bad, and the United States are the good guys trying to rescue the people from a terrible dictator. The older and more educated I got, the more I was able to look at the United States’ history with getting involved in foreign affairs. Rather than viewing the United States as the savior I was brought up to treat it as, I started to realize they were just taking over other countries and rarely made things better (i.e Vietnam, Iraq, etc.).

I think the story of how Castro rose to power is especially inspiring. I found a quote by him saying “I began revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I do it with 10 or 15 and absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and plan of action,” which I found especially interesting. Defeating a government with the United States (the world’s biggest super power) on their side is really admirable.

Although the Helms-Burton Act negatively affected Cuba, I think the events leading up to it were poor decisions made by both countries. The pilots flying and looking for people to rescue was definitely a noble thing to do, and dropping pamphlets on Cuba’s shores was also their way of attempting to perform a good deed. However, they should have listened to the multiple warnings Cuba gave if they continued to fly to shore. I’m not justifying shooting down a civilian plane by any means, but the attack wasn’t unprovoked and could’ve been easily avoided if they had heeded the warnings given.

I’m slightly nervous to see what happens with Cuban- United Stated relations now that Donald Trump is in charge of our country. I read a testimonial from the man he plans on putting in as secretary of state, and he essentially vowed to undo all the progress Obama made, and even proposed stricter travel bans. I don’t see this benefiting either country. I think it mainly has to do with Trump’s ego and his wanting to undermine President Obama in any way possible. Hopefully relations stay amicable in spite of this, because I think both countries could learn a lot from each other.

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